Miss Fox and her world
Miss Fox and her world
This is my online journal which I choose to write in the hopes that somewhere out there someone will understand me. If you can find some sort of connection with me and what I write about awsome. If you cannot fathom how someone could think the way I do, then open your mind please. Also, if you know me personally and I did not invite you to this journal please leave now.
Raising support - 05.21.06
we all have our things - 12.17.05
over and done? - 12.13.05
drinks are on me - 12.10.05
I want a green fairy - 12.04.05

I love the smell of the oncoming rain. The light taste that it leaves in your mouth is undescribable. I love the feeling in the air. Damp, crisp, and comforting to me...I can't wait until it lightly startes to rain today.

It feels like so much has happened in so little time. I didn't and will not be going on a pub crawl, but I did go out dancing last night.

Yesterday...Dale (a guy I dated a few times maybe 2 years ago) asked me out for dinner or something. I said yes and we have plans for tuesday night...nothing definite on what we are doing though. We will talk again soon. Totally unexpected...he just walked in the store and I was making chit chat and then bam, "So, do you have any free time to go out next week?". Dale was and will be refered to as the hottie Cosco guy, or Dale the Hottie.

So after that I am of course on a little bit of a high because it has been a long time since a guy asked me out...well...hmm...guys rarely ask me out without me pretty much telling them that I want to go out.

So, some cute british boy comes in the store, says that my selection on music was good, tells me that he is going to be the DJ at Diesel, free drinks for the first hour with the VIP pass which he gives me four of. Turns out that he will be working in the mall (at the suit store) and that he just moved here about a month ago from Manchester with his family because his dad bought a business here. He is offically going to be my new friend. I am making a mission of it.

So, I talked to Jamie (a girl from my store, the person who I was going to do the pub crawl with) and we decided to go out dancing and check out this new club. So, after work Jamie picked me up at home and I was already so sleepy. We went to her place, got ready, went to the new club to have some drinks, went to her place so she could change her jeans, went to BPs to see if some of her friends were there, played pool at Corner Pocket and then to the roadhouse where we danced. I was so sleepy by the end of the night. I went home around 12:30 (early, I know) after having some creepy guy that I danced with kiss me on the neck (I left the dance floor with Jamie when he didn't stop), meeting a lot of Jamie's friends as well as some new people and with one guys phone number (I think that if I tried and was not so sleepy I could have got more). I hardly drank a thing all night, but I feel so worn out today...and some of my friends want to go to a movie tonight. Sigh...need to nap!

Well, today I was training a new girl, but there was so much other things going on in the store that I could not train her too much and thank God Kindra showed her a lot of the ropes. She will be in again on Monday with me and I think that then I will be able to show her a lot more important stuff. So far she fits in great.

Miss Fox wrote at 5:51 pm