Miss Fox and her world
Miss Fox and her world
This is my online journal which I choose to write in the hopes that somewhere out there someone will understand me. If you can find some sort of connection with me and what I write about awsome. If you cannot fathom how someone could think the way I do, then open your mind please. Also, if you know me personally and I did not invite you to this journal please leave now.
Raising support - 05.21.06
we all have our things - 12.17.05
over and done? - 12.13.05
drinks are on me - 12.10.05
I want a green fairy - 12.04.05

Sunday night after work was such a funny day, but not if you ask onlythetony or Mark D. See, work was alright. I mean, I was in a good mood and was oozing, just oozing everywhere with good energy vibes. Not much of anything could have brought me down. I love when I feel that way. Seriously, right now the littlest intentional visit from a friend, or hug makes my day that much brighter! Anyways, I had a nice coffee/hot chocolate that was perfect in the morning enjoyed at work. Later in the day onlythetony and mark d came to visit me at work. I was so happy to see onlythetony because we talk every day, but seem to only see each other once a week, and in all honesty, he is my only friend whom I spend time with. So, I felt special. We talked about what they were going to do today, and having bigger boobs and straighter teeth...Ya, normal stuff. Haha. So they left and me still being happy chatted Chantelle's ear off at work. I talked so much about myself it was not even funny. But I was a nice manager and I asked her about her own life and what was going on. So, I called onlythetony's cell around 4:30pm to see what they were up to. We decided to all get together and watch a movie (this is getting to be a long story, I am going to make it shorter...). So, the boys came and picked me up in Mark d's truck. We decided to drive down Mayor Magrath ("the strip", the main road in town) to go rent a free movie that Mark had down on the south side. We are by Henderson Lake (in front of Super 8) and mark's truck just quits. Haha Ya, turns out he had just looked down at his gas gauge and thought to himself, "Hmm...I should get some gas" just seconds earlier. Ya, the boys claimed we were stranded on Mayor Magrath! haha. So we decided to walk to the gas station north of where we were, onlythetony hobbling along in his cast. We bought some ice cream along the way to the station (it was about 3 blocks away) and then the gas attendent told us that they did not have a gerry can. We asked some guy getting out of his truck at his house if we could use one of his. Everything was going so well. It was a little adventure. Then when we finally got back to the truck and put in the gas (me having to hold the spout which was broken and getting gas all over my hands) the truck would not start. Mark said the engine was flooded and that this had happened before. He said that in about 20mintues we should be fine to go. Next thing you know it is about 2 hours later and we are still trying to get the truck to work. I was enjoying myself in the sunshine with the boys, sitting in the grass, just talking and listening to music on onlythetony's computer. The boys however were getting frusterated. Eventually Mark called his dad who came with another can of gas and he got the truck to start. We then rented Sin City (I hated it) and watched it at onlythetony's. All in all I had a great time.

Work has been so slow and my sales have been crappy. All the girls are doing better then me. It's awsome for them, but crappy for me. Oh well. I will do better.

Miss Fox wrote at 6:35 pm