Miss Fox and her world
Miss Fox and her world
This is my online journal which I choose to write in the hopes that somewhere out there someone will understand me. If you can find some sort of connection with me and what I write about awsome. If you cannot fathom how someone could think the way I do, then open your mind please. Also, if you know me personally and I did not invite you to this journal please leave now.
Raising support - 05.21.06
we all have our things - 12.17.05
over and done? - 12.13.05
drinks are on me - 12.10.05
I want a green fairy - 12.04.05

Man oh man! This is really starting to get to me. Today is sunday, I got all ready for church, and yet again, stepped out the door and there went the bus! This time I was sure that I was going to be early. Ugh. So here I am at home, passing time on the computer yet again. I have to open the store so I will be leaving sometime soon as well. Blah. Working all day. At least it is going to be a short shift, and mom said that she might come by so we can buy a jacket for my little sister for school. It is such a cute jacket. I want it, and they have it in my size! I have more then enough jackets though and I much rather save my money to move out, get a computer of my own, and a super nice digital camera. Yep. I am going to do it. I am really going to save. I got paid on friday and all I have bought so far is some bus tickets, and those are needs, not wants. I am going to put some money on my phone bill (thank God I am not calling South Africa anymore! Wow! That was getting expensive!), and well, pick up a few things that I need at the drug store (face lotion, body lotion, shampoo). I am even putting off getting my hair cut and it really needs it. I have been pulling it back in a bun for a few days now and that seems to hide the fact that it needs a cut. The fact that I missed the bus and wont be going to church will even save me some money on lunch (I hope). There has got to be something that I can eat for lunch in this house...We really need to pick up some grocerys, but there must be something. At least I can make some coffee. That will help me feel better this morning.

Oh well. Here is to another day.

Miss Fox wrote at 10:28 am