Miss Fox and her world
Miss Fox and her world
This is my online journal which I choose to write in the hopes that somewhere out there someone will understand me. If you can find some sort of connection with me and what I write about awsome. If you cannot fathom how someone could think the way I do, then open your mind please. Also, if you know me personally and I did not invite you to this journal please leave now.
Raising support - 05.21.06
we all have our things - 12.17.05
over and done? - 12.13.05
drinks are on me - 12.10.05
I want a green fairy - 12.04.05

Happy New year everyone! I know that is a typical beginning to any entry, but I am far from typical.

There seems to be a lot going on,yet nothing that I would talk about for hours unless I knew you well.

Last night I drank too much champagne, and I danced all night. I swear that I danced my little heart out for at least 2 hours. I don't know how I did it, but I did. I had a blast doing it though. If you were here or if we talked I would tell you about being out on Lido Deck for the countdown and how I said that it would be so nice if right after the countdown it began to ran a little and everyone got wet. Then just before the countdown it started to rain. That is just one sign of God's affection for me, He does things like that for me often because He knows how much I appreciate it. Awww....So we had the countdown and people mingled and wished each other happy New Year. Then I went to the disco which is where I danced all night. Like I said, it was fun. It is not something that I will do often because it will get old and lose its novelty but I will do it again sometimes.

Today was a long day at seas. The guests thios cruise were very nice and a lot of them really liked me. I met a 90 year old woman, whom I only know as "Grandma", and her cheering squad of grandchildren (imagine a slot machine with a group of 10 mostly intoxicated people cheering, "Go grandma! Go Grandma" as a little frail white haired old lady hits the spin button over and over again). I also met a federal agent who picks locks and safes and such things, a very well-to-do Canadian business man, and a man going through his second divorce who was pursuing woman everywhere and asked me out numerous times even though I am sure he is older than my father. All in all, it was a great cruise. I had a good time and am hoping that people wrote great things about me on their comment cards, I am sure that they did though. This week I know that I did a great job and that I put in a geat effort at work. I am proud of my job well done.

Miss Fox wrote at 1:36 am