Miss Fox and her world
Miss Fox and her world
This is my online journal which I choose to write in the hopes that somewhere out there someone will understand me. If you can find some sort of connection with me and what I write about awsome. If you cannot fathom how someone could think the way I do, then open your mind please. Also, if you know me personally and I did not invite you to this journal please leave now.
Raising support - 05.21.06
we all have our things - 12.17.05
over and done? - 12.13.05
drinks are on me - 12.10.05
I want a green fairy - 12.04.05

Life is intersting and I feel as though I have not had internet access forever to write all about it. My internet was down for about a week and in that week some crazy stuff went down.

On sunday last week I broke up with Kevin. I did it this time. I was not the one being broke up with for once. I did it on my own. Maybe I am growing up and respecting myself a little more. I dont know why I did it. Things were going fine. I just was not happy I guess. I felt like we were friends more than boyfriend/girlfriend. I really do love him, though he is so busy and so far away that our relationship felt like it was slowly drifting because of all the other priorities in life. I want to be in a realtionship where I am a priority. I am suppose to speak with him today because honestly I fell to pieces after I ended it with him. It has been a super crazy and stressful week. Don't know what we will talk about or what will happen, but either way I will have something else to write about later.

Right now I am sick. Still sick...Yucky! I am going to try to write about the week, all of it...so, here it goes. Let's see how far I can get.

After sunday, not sleeping and not being able to eat much either I woke from a two hour sleep and went to work monday morning. Work this week was fine. We had a sale which helped us to be over or closer to our budget every day. The sale made the store a little bit messy and we are now a little low on stock, but hey...I think that it was worth it. I had some really good sales. I got frusterated a little with minor things this week, things that normally would not bother me, like the garbage wasn't taken out, and things like that. I think that I am going to have to be a little tougher on the girls in the store, and I need to cut down on the personal phone calls. They bother me. Friends, dont call me at work so much! Hehe We will talk about it. I figure if I stop taking so many personal calls then maybe the other girls will as well. Hey, it is under our disiplinary procedures. Technically I could start writing people up, however until I cut down I will not write anyone up. Ok, so work was busy and stuff. I started trying to get my schedule for the next couple weeks figured out because one of the girls is getting married soon and needs time off for the honeymoon as well. I figured I should get cracking seeing as how one of the girls that I just hired quit because she was getting paid more and offered more hours by the job that she WAS going to quit. I knew that because of this there would be a few days where we would be short staffed and I knew that I would be working like 15 days in a row with no day off, which stressed me, but it was alright. I can handle it, right? Then one of the girls started talking about her family vacation that she was going to be going on in Aug. It's ok Miss Fox, you can handle this, right? She would NOT go on a vacation the week that you need her the most. WRONG! Her vacation overlaps on like 3 or 4 days of the wedding. Not only would I be able to go to the wedding, but I also would not be able to take a day off forever, and I would be working a few super overtime shifts. I was forced to hire someone. Thank God that in my last set of interviews I met a girl that I really liked but because her schedule was so busy at the time I could not get her in for training. This week it was super easy to get her in. She returned my call the day after I called her, and when I asked her if she would be able to come in for training on tuesday she said that worked out great. Thank God. So, on tuesday I will start training a new girl, and then everything with my schedules at work should work out fine.

Friday when I was working I saw one of my friends walk by, a friend that I had not seen in like two years, a friend who I use to be super close with when I was in junior high school! Krystal has been living in another city, and was just in town for the day so she could buy a new truck. I chatted with her and got her number, told her we should get our other good pal from school together and do coffee or something. I called both of them and made the arrangements after work to meet up at The Cheesecake. We ended up chatting for like 3 hours there. Sarah (my other pal) ran into some friends of hers and they joined us for drinks and meaningless chit-chat. Onlythetony called me and wanted to chill with me when I was done. He had to meet up with someone first and then he would pick me up. Eventually he picked me up and we went back to his place. We laughed alot and talked about everything it seemed. When things stated to get more serious in conversation and we both started to fall asleep I got a text from Alex. It said that he was in town and just wanted to say hello. I thought that I would not see him before he moved farther away for school, so I called him. He was on the westside of town (like me) and was not very far away. We decided to walk and meet each other. So, I left onlythetony and walked alone, in the dark at 1am in the morning. A little girl like me just does not do that. I dont know what I was thinking. Alex and I met at the lake. He wanted to sit by the lake before we went to his friend's house. So, we sat, then he layed down and looked at the stars, but I just has too much energy to lay down. I had to sit up and talked and talked forever it seemed. I started to get a little cold and so we started walking to Trevor's house. I welcomed Alex to the rest of the world and then we went inside Trevor's. We were only there for about 15 minutes and then we left. Alex gave me a ride home with Jesse in the back falling asleep. So by the time that I got home and was in bed it was about 2:30am and I had to open the store the next day. At this point I only felt a little sleepy. So, I woke up at 8am to go to work. I got ready and took the bus. I felt sleepy still, and had a headache developing. Work was alright for the first little while. My headache got worse and I got more and more nausious. I lasted from 9am until about 1pm. Mom came and picked me up, but not until after I had made a dash to the restroom to vomit. I went home to bed and only got up a few times to throw up. I did not eat all day yesterday (only a peach while waiting for the bus before work) and I am feeling it today. I still have a headache but it is no where near what it was yesterday and I was able to eat one small pancake this morning as well. I think that I am getting better. Thank God that I do not have to work today or tomorrow. I need the rest. I should try to get more exercise. That might help.

So Alex is still in town and we might go out for lunch. I was going to spend time with him yesterday again, but I was obviously on a date with my bed. I think that I am going to go have a bath, or shower now and just rest. I am so sleepy. Maybe I should just chill and watch a movie today. We will see.

Miss Fox wrote at 9:58 am