Miss Fox and her world
Miss Fox and her world
This is my online journal which I choose to write in the hopes that somewhere out there someone will understand me. If you can find some sort of connection with me and what I write about awsome. If you cannot fathom how someone could think the way I do, then open your mind please. Also, if you know me personally and I did not invite you to this journal please leave now.
Raising support - 05.21.06
we all have our things - 12.17.05
over and done? - 12.13.05
drinks are on me - 12.10.05
I want a green fairy - 12.04.05

It seems like Christmas is just around the corner and I don't feel like it is at all. There are some cheesy Christmas decorations up in the ship, but the heat is what I think is throwing me off. When it starts to get a little chilly back home, after all the leaves have changed color and fallen, that is when my mind knows that it is almost Christmas time...I have purchashed some christmas cards though and am excited about sending all those home to you, my friends. I hope that I have all your addresses right...

There was a Casino party on wednesday night (it started at 3:30am because that is when the casino closed) and I was up until about 8am dancing, singing, talking and having a good laugh with most of the casino staff. The party was a sort of goodbye as many of our current staff, including our manager and head cashier, are signing off this weekend, and the weekend following. The party went late into the morning (7:30am or so)and a bunch of us left the party to go and have breakfast in the mess and then we headed off to bed. It is a rare thing to see casino staff at breakfast, so I took a few pictures of us eating so that I would remember the moment. It was good times. However, after the party I could not sleep. I kept waking up every hour or so and then had a terrible headache as a result of the lack of sleep. Last night (tuesday) all the casino staff was pretty out-of-it as a result of hangovers and lack of sleep. It was kinda funny to ask people how they were feeling. Everyone seemed to have this dazed sortta look about themselves at work. Heck, the assistant manager even called me a space cadet because I was so sleepy...not hung-over I might add.

I recently went on a littlt bit of a shopping spree in St.Thomas. I bought two books (Farenheit 451, and the first Lemony Snicket's book), a magazine (Elle), shoe polish, Christmas cards, a notebook, cuticle cream, and I think that is all...oh wait, I also bought two DVDs (Supersize me, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off). I am so excited about showing Supersize me to people on the ship. Last night I watched it with Micheal and Maritz and they thought it was alright. They found it informative and they are not going to stop eating McDonals but they will think a little more about fast food next time they go out. Really, that is all that I want people to do thoght. I just want them to think twice about their healthy when they eat food. It's bad enough some of the stuff that they feed us here (everthing seems to be fried), we should try to eat healthy when we go out.

That's all...

Miss Fox wrote at 3:58 p.m.